Kesar Multimodal Logistics Limited is an SPV company created for setting up a ‘Composite Logistics Hub’ at Pawarkheda, Hoshangabad district, on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis with the MP State agricultural Marketing Board (Mandi Board), Government of Madhya Pradesh, on a Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer (DBFOT) mode.
A consortium is formed between Kesar Terminal & Infrastructure Limited (www.kesarinfra.com) [The Lead Member] & Kesar Enterprises Limited (www.kesarindia.com) (both listed on the BSE & NSE)
The M.P. State Agricultural Marketing Board i.e. MPSAMB (also known as the Mandi Board) was set up in 1973 under the provision of M.P. Krishi Upaj Mandi Adhinium 1972 of Government of Madhya Pradesh, as per the recommendation of the National Agriculture Commission. The Wholesale Mandis for Agricultural Produce from Farms in the State are being run and managed by the Mandi Board.
Kesar Enterprises Limited
The Kesar Sugar Works Ltd., a company promoted by the Kilachand group in the year 1933 with sugar production as the prime objective, later matured into a separate identity of its own. From a medium scale sugar factory, it has evolved into a multi-faceted corporate entity, Kesar Enterprises Ltd (KEL). The change of name made in the year 1985, encompasses the expansion of the companies activities into diverse areas like sugar, industrial alcohol, chemicals and storage installations. The company has successfully implemented a 44 MW Co-gen Power Plant at the sugar factory at Baheri (UP) which has been operational since July 2012.
The Kilachand group was also co-promoter of the erstwhile Scindia Steam & Navigation Co. Ltd, The Bank of Baroda Ltd. (now called Bank of Baroda and nationalized in 1971) and New Great India Insurance Company was merged in Oriental Insurance Company during nationalization in 1971). Also, it was co-promoter, (along with Walchand Hirachand Doshi family,) of Premier Automobiles Ltd (PAL) and Hindustan Aircraft Ltd (now part of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.)
Kesar Terminals & Infrastructure Limited
In 2009, KTIL was established through the Demerger of the Storage Division of KEL. It has been a pioneer in offering bulk liquid terminalling services for various Importers and Exporters of Chemical Products, Petro-Chemicals, Edible and Non-Edible Oils and Petroleum Products. Over the years DTC increased tankages at Kandla from a mere 4,000 Kls. in 2 tanks in one Terminal to nearly 1,27,000 Kls. in 64 tanks in 2 Terminals.
Kesar has been in the storage business for over 4 decades and can be said to be a pioneer in the bulk importing of Edible Oils in this Country. Till mid 60’s, the Canalizing Agency and The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd., were importing Edible Oils only in barrels. It was DTC who converted them to importing in bulk to avail the cost benefits in line with the global trends of handling and storage of liquid in bulk. It has also been the chief agency for export of Rectified Spirit to Europe and the Far East during the 80’s and early 90’s, when such exports from distilleries in Western Uttar Pradesh, were canalized through All India Distillers Association, New Delhi.
For more information on the Kesar Group of Companies, please click here